Saturday, 6 June 2015


This months Major Casefile #166 over at C.S.I is now live and runs until the 30th June 2015. This months Major Casefile is a fun whumsical one. With lots of fun prompts in the evidence you could easily create an imaginary world to help support your testimony which includes possibly journaling about a favourite childhood activity.

Here is the sketch and a beautiful sample page by Lisa-Marie Watling. Scoot over to her blog 'Scrap. Paper. Scissors' for close ups of her gorgeous page and also for lots of other eye catching inspiration. Don't forget you can download the digital template if you are keen to play digitally so click on the freebie prompt below.

The download link will remain available until the 30th June 2015!

So let's have a closer look at the Casefile!
'Barbie time'

'Police Siren'
by Em Stafrace
Digital Credits:
THE NIFTY PIXEL| Say What You mean Journaling Clusters V.1 & Gesso Goodness V.1
Page Drafts Sketch for CSI #166

So to be in the running for some fabulous prizes head over to C.S.I and get all the challenge details there. Just a quick reminder Casefile #166 ends 30th June 2015.

Good luck everyone, hope you enjoy the challenge and I look forward to seeing all your amazing projects so don't forget to share a link either here or post your project on The Nifty Pixel Facebook wall we'd love to see them alternatively if you dont like blogging or using FB why not try Instagram using the hashtags below!!
Hope you enjoy the sketch and remember to,

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