Monday, 25 January 2016


WAHHHHH!!! Where did that year go? I can't believe that it was 12 months ago when The Nifty Pixel was launched over at Scrapstacks. Being given the opportunity to open up shop there was a dream come true and after Scrapstacks closed its shop doors I found a whole community of gorgeous people over at The Digichick. This was my second chance at fullfilling my dream of becoming a designer and I have loved every minute being there, gotta say they are stuck with me now! haha

To celebrate our turning 1, I thought a 50% off Anniversary sale was the perfect way to get this part-ay started! So for the next 3 days you will be able to grab some barrrr-gains in The Nifty Pixel PU Store...woohoo!
We will also be offering some fun freebies, and other giveaways over at our FB FAN PAGE so if you haven't yet liked us there why not scoot on over so you don't miss out on any of the fun stuff we have planned for you!
Last but not least, I would really like to say a huge big thank you to you all. Thank you for supporting TNP and my journey as a scrapper/designer. It's been a tonne of fun so far and I really hope this is the first of many more years to come forming friendships and sharing in inspiration.