Saturday, 5 March 2022


Spring is finally at your doorstep for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere. We are entering Autumn here in Australia and its been a really wet couple of weeks with severe flooding up my way so I have been immersing myself in an imaginary garden filled with budding blooms and the kiss of a warm sun!

BLOOM & GROW is filled with all the tools you’ll need to propagate your dream garden. Be it one filled with blooms or edible you will be well on your way to reaping the fruits of your labour with this bundle. There is also the perfect set of coordinating BLOOM & GROW PAGE DRAFTS designed with some key words as titles, perfect for the time savvy scrapper who likes to have more time in your gumboots for tinkering in the garden!

This last month we have been featuring some awesome scrappers that I have discovered in the Nifty Pixel gallery over at Sweet Shoppe Designs. Each week we’ve had one Night Scrapper Spotlight and the selected ladies then go into a random name selector for a chance to win a $10 coupon to shop the Nifty Pixel Store which means I can now announce the February Nifty Scrapper Spotlight winner.!

Drum roll.... tanyiadeskins your name was selected woohoo congratulations lovely it’s always a pleasure to see your pages in the gallery! Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations using Nifty Pixel goodies.

Don’t forget to share your nifty creations over in the Nifty Friends Group on Facebook. If you haven’t already joined, below is an invitation, we’d love to see you there and get to know you more, so stop by and say hello!

Have a fabulous weekend!

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