Tuesday, 17 March 2015


There is nothing like a bit of 'Love 'n' Luck' sent your way! I mean seriously who says no to a touch of bold and bright in their life...no-one ever!

Whether you are a keen St. Patricks Day reveller or not, this kit is perfect for all those lively occasions that require a bit of colour to really make your project sing. It also works equally as well for any event that requires a gentle nudge of encouragement, some luck for good measure or to use with photos in your stash of those colourful lil peeps in your life! Oooh and check out the photo booth inspired props below, they are so much fun... perfect to add a little whimsy to your pages!

So why not live in technicolour and grab this fun kit which is now available over at Scrapstacks in the Savin' O' the Green Category for a further 30% off for a limited time only! BARGAIN!

by Em Stafrace
by Marie Johansson
by Claudi Sollinger
by Zeneva Kovic

by Em Stafrace

If you snaffle this kit up and create an awesome page please share with us either here or on our FB page which you can link up to using the buttons on the sidebar or alternatively you could scoot to instagram and use the hashtags below!

Thanks for stopping by... have fun scrappin' and dont forget to


  1. Gorgeous inspiration. Thanks for that fabulous freebie! x
